"Fitness Instuctor Lancashire- Nicola Bulcock"

About Nicola Bulcock

I'm Nikki and here's a bit about myself

I currently hold Level 3 in the following qualifications:
Gym Instructor,Nutritionist,Exercise to Music,Lifestyle and Fitness
Assessment,Training In Different Environments, Business and
Marketing Qualification. Exercise referal qualified.

I have been training clients 1-1 and instructing spinning classes since
2008.I have genuine client recommendations on request, hand written
by clients.  I am also level 4 registered with the register of exercise

I trained in Kempo Ju-Jitsu and kickboxing until 2010.

In September 2007, I travelled to Jersey and fought for the
National England Ju-Jitsu Martial Arts team at the World Ju-Jitsu
Championships in which I won both silver and bronze medals.

In June 2008 I entered local mixed martial arts championships
and came away with two gold medals for my kickboxing and a
silver medal for my grappling.


Phone 07706 276163

Burnley, Lancashire